A logo for the northeast folk chamber of commerce

Events Calendar

Events Calendar Page Sponsor:  AdventHealth

Weekly Member Events:

Don't miss the fun-filled weekly events at Balmoral Bar & Grill:  Jukebox Bingo every Monday; Trivia every Tuesday; Karaoke every Wednesday; Live Music Thursday & Saturday; Latin Night Fridays - 124 Kenny Blvd., Haines City.  Click HERE for more info. 

AR Workshop Winter Haven - Workshops scheduled daily! Visit https://www.arworkshop.com/winterhaven/ for more info!

1845 Taphouse - Brewery Bingo every other Tuesday 6 p.m.; Karaoke with DJ Tim Wednesdays at 9 p.m.; Team Trivia with Scott Thursdays at 7p.m.; Local Artist Live Music Fridays at 7 p.m.; Karaoke with DJ Tim Saturdays at 9 p.m. Visit  https://www.facebook.com/1845TapHouse for more info! 

Lamb of God Lutheran Church free Spanish & English classes every Saturday - Click HERE for the flyer and more info. 

Yoga MB - Weekly classes, events & specials - Visit https://theyogamb.com/ for more info!

Other Chamber & Member events listed on the calendar above!

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